75th year of India’s Independence

Anushka Srivastava
4 min readAug 15, 2021


Is it worth celebrating?

“At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.” This line spoken by our first Prime Minister on 15th of August,1947 in his much celebrated speech Tryst with Destiny, still give goose bumps to lakhs and crores of Indians. Since then we have measured great distance all together. We have seen victory together, shared pain together. What India was in 1947 is same India in 2021, all boundaries intact( Not considering Aksai Chin and PoK ). We have reached to great mountains, we are doing well in space, we have many Indians working as CEOs of big MNCs and many more. Hence, world is recognizing Indians as well as India. Seems we have managed well, or did we not?

Indian newspaper reporting about India’s independence from British rule.

Our forefathers saw a dream of independent India where we all stay united irrespective of caste, creed, color or religion. They martyred themselves to fight for their common dream. Picking up the pieces of more than 500 princely states and provinces was hard to achieve, yet they did and stood India altogether as a country. But only building boundaries of India wasn’t their agenda. They wanted independent India free from sufferings and miseries. They wanted India free from caste culture, over religion, no starvation in short free from social and economic division which our ancestors and forefathers faced during colonial period. So let me again ask you the same question did we manage well? When there are instances of Godhara and Muzaffarnagar. When we find it difficult to accept person from lower caste taking office of President. Where 14% of the India’s population are undernourished. And English language is still seen as the sign of division between elites and common (I know I too am using the same language but when did I say myself different?). Again, whom we all should blame? Our leaders from the past or of present ? Actually all of them, including us. Yes you read it right including us. Now you will ask why us? The reason is, we choose our leaders and moreover let ourselves to get easily manipulated by them. I know no 2 person can be same and hence their thoughts. But we do know what is right and what is not. We do know about humanity. We know castes and different religion are our own creation. We know there isn’t a correlation between English speaking and skills or intelligence. We waste food from our plate everyday and let someone dying of hunger. We clearly know that we bleed red and not green or saffron or any other color. Then why we let ourselves to be guided by the so called leaders? If they do great appreciate them, If don’t then question! No need to justify your leader activities to other commoners if your views don’t matches with them when you both know the rights and wrongs. Thing is just simple as that.

Today i.e. 15 August 2021, we are celebrating 75th anniversary of India’s independence. We are celebrating azadi ke amrit mahotsav, an initiative to commemorate 75 years of independence of progressive India and the glorious history of its people, culture and achievements. With keeping all the flaws aside, no one can deny the fact that India being a country of diverse culture and heritage has come a long way since 1947. We have many things to celebrate and rejoice over like -

✓1983 and 2011 Cricket World Cup,

✓ Pokhran successful Nuclear Testing of both 1974 and 1998,

✓Indian Space missions- Chandrayaan 1 and Mangalyaan,

✓Peaceful coexistence with our neighbours ( not counting Pakistan and China)

✓1991 economic reforms and its successful result

✓ Bachendri Pal and Rakesh Sharma contribution can never be forgotten

and latest being the-the huge forex reserves, more focus on R&D in various sectors like pharmaceuticals, improving defense sector, India being the 4th largest active military manpower in the world, India’s CoViD-19 vaccination drive is better than some of the developed countries with Neeraj Chopra’s first individual gold medal in track and field and other Olympians of course. The image from poor country of snake charmers to now be seen as an active participant among global leaders, we can definitely say that we managed ourselves well but best is yet to come. And best can only be made possible when we come altogether as a nation rather than just a country and fulfill the dream of our founding fathers. For this, we need to look after our own actions along with that of leaders. Putting this in words of Gandhiji’s “Be the change you want to see”. And if you are going to ask me how, my answer will be “you already know that!” Jai Hind. Jai Bharat.



Anushka Srivastava

A wandering soul trying to settle for something; but 'something' is enigma.